Friday, January 27, 2006

Christian Carnival CVI (106) is up

Actually two of my posts are there. "Loving Our Neighbor as Ourselves" and " 'The End of the Spear', gays, and Christ".

It is called the "Saint Issac of Syria Edition" . Technogypsy from the introduction:

While lacking orders like the Dominicans, Cistercian, or Franciscans, the Eastern Church does have an extensive collection of texts on the monastic life from the Saying of the Desert Fathers to the Ladder of Divine Ascent to the Philokalia (Love of the Beautiful) to the Arena. St. Benedict, being from before the schism of the churches, is considered part of this. In this wide collection of works that are both records and guides to a soul's striving for the Presence of God and the Gift of Pure Prayer, the Ascetical Homilies of St. Isaac of Syria are considered a fundamental, or maybe even the fundamental text. It has been said that "A page a day makes a monk." Today, in a world in many ways different from the silence of the Desert, St. Isaac's advice is still good, even for us who do not or can not flee the world to seek what the early Celtic Church called the green martyrdom. So this week's entries are grouped by some of the pearls from St. Isaac's work with commentary from his homilies. Since I've actually read all the posts and sometimes other stuff on the blogs, I tried to match up as best I could...and I tried not to get distracted
About Christian Carnival:
Contributing a Post to the Christian Carnival
The Christian Carnival is open to Christians of Protestant, Orthodox, and Roman Catholic convictions. One of the goals of this Carnival is to offer our readers to a broad range of Christian thought.

Posts need not be of a theological topic. Posts about home life, politics, or current events, for example, written from a Christian worldview are welcome.

Update: As the goal of this Carnival is to highlight Christian thought in the blogosphere, entries will be limited to blogs that share that goal. Blogs with content that is focused on a business, that has potentially offensive material Christians may not want to link to on their sites, or has no reference to distinctively Christian thought may not be included in this Carnival. There are other Carnivals that would be a more appropriate venue for that material. I realize that this will be a judgment call on the part of the Carnival administrator, and being human she may make mistakes. However, as the Christian Carnival is getting quite large, and it is sometimes questionable whether the entrants are seeking to promote Christian thought, I find this necessary.

Update: We also expect a level of discourse that is suitable for a Christian showcase. Thus entries may be refused if they engage in name-calling, ad hominem attacks, offensive language, or for any similar reason as judged by the administrator.

So, if you have a post in this framework - go here to find out more: Christian Carnival info.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, not yet.

    My work hours are such that I actually only get to read stuff on Mondays and Tuesdays.

    I am still looking forward to actually reading what was written.


How to debate charitably (rules are links to more description of rule):
1. The Golden Rule
2. You cannot read minds
3. People are not evil
4. Debates are not for winning
5. You make mistakes
6. Not everyone cares as much as you
7. Engaging is hard work
8. Differences can be subtle
9. Give up quietly